How old is RonaldOMG? - RonaldOMG's Age in years months days hours minutes and seconds

Ronald Calor is popularly known as RonaldOMG.

He is a brother to a famous YouTuber, Karina Calor (GamerGirl). Calor is the son of a Canadian mommy and polish Daddy. Ronald is a 12 years old Canadian YouTuber and Gamer. His mom and dad assist him in making his YouTube videos. His mom also moderates his Instagram account. RonaldOMG has been a fan of gaming since he was a little boy. RonaldOMG favorite games are Minecraft and Roblox. He has over 9 million subscribers on YouTube. He uploads funny comments, reactions, Roblox and Minecraft games.

RonaldOMG's Personal Life

Ronald Calor was born in Canada on September 3, 2008. RonaldOMG has two sisters named Karina, and Aria his little sister. Karina Calor, popularly known as GamerGirl, is also a popular YouTuber with millions of subscribers. RonaldOMG attends a local school, where he gets his education.

RonaldOMG's Career

Ronald Calor started gaming since he was little. His YouTube channel has been running for over eight years now. The channel has attracted millions of views, and it keeps increasing every day. His most popular video that has over 14 million views is "Basement Door Almost Opened! Also, another was "How to Escape the Giant Fat Guy Obby?!? / Roblox," which gained over 9.4 million views. The third being "Escape from the Office Obby / We Escaped / Roblox with over 8.6 million views. His net worth is an estimate of over 500,000 US dollars. He and his sister own a combined YouTube channel titled SIS vs. BRO.

How Old is RonaldOMG Exactly?

How Oldis RonaldOMG Exactly?
How Old is RonaldOMG Exactly? (YouTube)

He was born on September 3, 2008. His next birthday is on September 3, 2021.

Summary of RonaldOMG's Age

The table summarizes all details about RonaldOMG.

Parameters Point to Note
Name Ronald Calor
Nickname RonaldOMG
Date of Birth September 3
Year of Birth 2008
Place of Birth Canada
Nationality Canadian
Occupation YouTuber, Gamer
Citizenship Canada
Sisters Karina and Aria
Hobby Playing games
The current state of residence Canada
Religion Christianity


RonaldOMG's career as a gamer started since he was little. This has made him be a famous gamer and YouTuber at a young age. He has attracted many fans and followers both on his YouTube channel and Instagram. RonaldOMG's career is a motivation of starting early on anything you have an interest in and ensure consistency.

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